UMB_HEAP.DOC Documentation for UMB_HEAP.TPU (C) Copyright 1992, Brian D. Webb & P-Machinery Release 1.3, March 5, 1992 UMB_HEAP is a programing tool for extending the Turbo Pascal 6.0 dynamic heap into Upper Memory Blocks (UMB). By using UMB_HEAP, you can give your programs up to 200K more RAM to work with. Making the UMB's available for heap space allows your programs more conventional memory to work with. For each kilobyte of heap space you move into upper memory, you increase the memory available for code and overlays by the same amount. To use UMB_HEAP, just include the unit UMB_HEAP in the USES clause of your main program and call the procedure EXTEND_HEAP. Assuming that your system has an XMS memory manager like QEMM386 or EMM386, all available UMB's will be added to the TP6 heap. When using debuggers, the UMB's may not have a chance to be deallocated properly. To address this problem, I have included a Boolean variable called UMB_HEAP_DEBUG which forces UMB_HEAP to deallocate UMB's immediately after allocating them while still retaining UMB address and size information. As long as your program does not manipulate upper memory, this strategy works. Set UMB_HEAP_DEBUG to TRUE while debugging, overwise set it to FALSE. It's default value is FALSE. The only reason this release doesn't contain the source code to UMB_HEAP is because I'm waiting to see if anyone is really interested in it. If so, then I will prepare some decent documentation and include the complete source code. UMB_HEAP is shareware. If you like it, please send $10 to the address below. This will register you for non-commercial use of this tool and entitle you to ALL future versions of it. Please forward comments and suggestions to: Brian D. Webb CompuServe [76436,1131] Send registration fees to: (including your name and address) Brian D. Webb 3700 Garth Road #1408 Baytown, TX 77521